BusinessDigital Marketing

The marketing agency blueprint the marketing agency blueprint

Paul Coetzer

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When I started HubSpot in June 2006 with my business partner, Dharmesh Shah, our experiences with marketing agencies led us to almost entirely avoid working with them. In fact, we designed our original business model around selling our marketing software directly to end customers, and developed an internal marketing team that would not be dependent on agency assistance. Our decision to circumvent marketing agencies did not result from questioning their skills or capabilities, but rather from their failure to acknowledge the impending shifts in consumer behavior.


Consumers have now assumed control over their purchasing processes. With the help of devices like DVRs, satellite radio, and caller ID, consumers no longer tolerate irritating outbound marketing efforts designed to interrupt their daily lives. Instead, they know what they want to purchase and strongly object to businesses that try to force-feed their messages. With millions of Internet pages.

In addition to these successes, the agency has also perfected its inbound marketing service offerings for clients. In 2010, PR 20/20 launched the industry’s first service packages that bundled website development, brand marketing, search marketing, social media, content marketing, and public relations for a set monthly fee. To truly drive change in the industry, Paul understood that it was necessary to educate and improve the marketing-services world at large. He became one of HubSpot’s leading .inbound marketing evangelists and began speaking nationwide on topics including blogging, content marketing, social media, and inbound marketing strategy.

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With the help and support from agency partners like PR 20/20, the HubSpot VAR program now accounts for 20 percent of our sales revenue. Based on demand, we are forecasting that our revenue from agencies will be 40 percent by the second quarter of 2012.

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