
How to calculate lottery payouts – Detailed instructions for new players

If you are a lottery lover, then you are certainly no stranger to the concept of ‘cross lottery’. How to calculate lottery odds This is one of the types of lottery favored by many players because of its high chance of winning and it is not too difficult to calculate the prize money. However, if you are new to playing lottery, calculating the winnings can give you a headache. In this article, we will guide you How to calculate lottery odds in detail to help you make this job easier.

What is the way to calculate lottery odds?

Before we get into the details of  How to calculate lottery odds, you need to clearly understand what this concept is. Cross lottery is a type of lottery in which the player must choose the correct winning numbers in two to many consecutive periods. For each betting period, players will choose a certain number of numbers and bet on them. The bonus will be calculated based on the total bet amount and the payout rate of each bet type.

Instructions for calculating simple lotteries

To calculate the lottery payout, you need to know the total number of winning numbers in the previous drawing as well as the number of numbers you have played for the current drawing. If you play 2-way lottery (choose only two numbers), you will have 3 ways to win:

  1. Choose both numbers correctly in the same drawing.
  2. Choose one of two correct numbers in two consecutive draws.
  3. Choose two correct numbers in two consecutive draws.

If you play the 3-way lottery (choose three numbers), you will have 6 ways to win and if you play the 4-way lottery (choose four numbers), you will have 10 ways to win. The How to calculate lottery odds This simple guide will help you better understand how to calculate bonuses when playing this type of lottery.

See: Game Bài New88

Table of how to calculate cross lotteries

To help you easily calculate your winnings, the winning lottery calculator is a useful tool. This spreadsheet will show the winning numbers in the previous draw and the number of numbers you want to play for the current draw. You just need to enter your bet amount in the box corresponding to each winning method and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate your winnings.

Cross lottery payout tables can be downloaded for free from many online lottery websites. It will help you save time and effort in calculating bonuses.

Formula for calculating lottery payouts

If you want to calculate the winnings of the cross lotteries without using a spreadsheet, the following formula can be applied:

Bonus = Total bet amount x Payout rate of bet type

For example, if you play 3-way lottery with a total bet of 100,000 VND and the payout ratio of this bet is 1:300, that is, for every 1 coin you bet, you will receive 300 VND in bonus money. Then your bonus will be:

Bonus = 100,000 x 300 = 30,000,000 VND

What is cross lotteries?  How to calculate lottery odds

To better understand cross lotteries, you need to know the concept of ‘pine lotteries’. Regular lottery is a type of lottery where the player must choose the correct winning numbers in a single period. With regular lotteries, the payout rate is usually quite high but it is difficult to hit because the player can only choose once.

Cross lottery differs from regular lottery in that players can choose multiple numbers and bet on multiple consecutive periods. This helps increase the player’s chances of winning and is also the reason why cross-lotteries are more popular than regular lotteries.

How to calculate winning rate

The experience of playing successful lottery also involves calculating the winning rate. Here are some tips for calculating your winning rate:

Learn about calculating winning odds: Calculating winning odds is extremely important to ensure that you can assess your chances of winning big. Learn how to calculate your odds to make the best decision for your bet.

Read previous results: Reading previous results is one way to calculate your odds of winning. If you can read the previous results, you can predict if your number will appear in the next match.
Use number prediction software: There are many online number prediction software and tools that help you calculate your odds of winning. Use these tools to increase your chances of winning big.
How to bet to maximize profits

Betting is an integral part of a successful lottery playing experience. Here are some tips for betting effectively:

Group Betting: Group betting is one way to maximize your profits. Choose a group of numbers and play all the numbers in that group to increase your chances of winning big.
Divide the bet rate:

Scaling your bets between your numbers is also a way to maximize profits. Put more money on numbers you trust and less money on other numbers.
Don’t be too confident: Don’t be too confident when betting. Always keep yourself in a calm mood and don’t be too enthusiastic when playing lottery.

How to play lottery effectively – how to calculate lottery money

To play lottery effectively, you need to apply the following strategies:

  1. Don’t choose too many numbers: If you choose too many numbers, the chance of winning will be very low. Therefore, choose a reasonable number of numbers to increase your chances of winning.
  1. Choose numbers that appear often: According to statistics, some numbers will appear more often than others. Find out and choose these numbers to increase your chances of hitting.
  1. Use the long-term strategy: This strategy is to choose the same set of numbers for many consecutive draws to increase the chance of winning.
  1. Find out the payout ratio of each type of bet: Different types of cross-lot bets have different payout ratios. Find out and choose the right bet type to maximize your chances of winning.

Things to note when playing lottery

In addition to strategies for playing lottery, you need to keep in mind the following points to minimize risks when playing:

  1. Don’t bet too much: The amount of bet should be carefully calculated to avoid losing too much money when you don’t win.
  1. Don’t play too many lots at once: If you play too many lots at once, the chance of losing will be very high. Focus on a small number of lots to increase your chances of winning.
  1. Choose a reputable bookmaker: Choose trustworthy bookmakers to place bets. Avoid scam or unlicensed bookmakers.
  1. Don’t chase lost money: If you lose a bet, stop and don’t chase lost money. Avoid continuously betting to recover this amount as this can lead to more losses.

Experience in playing lottery successfully

Finally, to become a successful lottery player, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Learn carefully the rules of the game and the payout rates of each type of bet.
  1. Apply appropriate lottery strategy.
  1. Play with appropriate stakes and do not chase lost money.
  1. Be patient and control your emotions when playing the lottery.

With these experiences and strategies for playing cross lottery, hopefully you can achieve much success when playing this type of lottery.

How to manage finances

Successful lottery playing experience not only involves choosing numbers, calculating winning odds and placing bets effectively, but also requires financial management. Here are some tips for managing your finances:

Don’t bet too much money: Don’t bet too much money on the cross lotteries. Place a small amount and maximize your chances of winning big.
Always keep a separate savings: Always keep a separate savings to deal with risks in playing lottery. Don’t use all your money to bet, combine your betting money and savings.
Don’t rush to spend money: Don’t rush to spend money when you win a match. Keep a portion of your winnings and spend them wisely to ensure that you don’t lose all your money.

frequently asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to successful lottery playing experience:

  1. How to choose numbers to play lottery?
    There are many methods to choose numbers, from based on date of birth to using number prediction software. Learn and apply these methods to increase your chances of winning big.
  2. What is the winning rate calculation?
    Calculating your odds of winning is the process of evaluating how many chances you have of winning big when playing lottery.
  3. How to bet effectively?
    Bet effectively by betting in groups, dividing bets and not being overconfident when playing cross lotteries.
  4. Should I bet too much money on cross lotteries?
    You should not bet too much money on the cross lotteries. Place a small amount and maximize your chances of winning big.
  5. How should you control your finances when playing lottery?
    Always keep a separate savings to deal with the risks of playing lottery. Don’t use all your money to bet, combine your betting money and savings.


In this article, we have guided you How to calculate lottery odds in detail, thereby helping you do this job more easily. In addition, we have also introduced you to the concept of cross lottery, effective playing strategies and notes when playing cross lottery. Hopefully the information in the article will help you become a successful lottery player. If you are looking for a website to play lottery online, register for an account above Nhà cái New88 and experience the best of their games.

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